sales and marketing

This Hub is designed to provide resources to help you improve your sales and marketing. Whether it's building the perfect sales script, implementing an effective follow up protocol or identifying and qualifying prospects, there are many tips and strategies to help improve sale and marketing immediately.

follow it up
Anyone who's had ongoing success in sales knows that it's all about the follow up. Many transactions don't occur on first contact so, it's important to know how to stay in touch and follow up the right way.
social tendencies
There are new businesses every day being built on the power of social media. It's certainly not as simple as making a post on an account from time to time. There are effective and tried strategies available.
know what to say

Whether it's in the form of an elevator pitch, phone conversation or face to face presentation, if you don't know what you're going to say how will you fix what doesn't work or re-use what does?

up to the challenge
Trying to run a business comes with a set of challenges all it's own. Many businesses face similar issues so, it's invaluable to be able to study their stories and learn from what they've been through.

Sales and Marketing are the most important elements to not only bringing in consistent activity but, to converting prospects to clients.

Read through our articles below and learn something that can improve your business today.



"Follow-up is vital. Strong relationships in business and life are formed over time across multiple interactions. . ."
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CRM Benefits: How CRM Improves Customer Relationships

Customers are important as no business exists without its customer base. And, of course, the way a company manages its customer database determines. . .

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Scripts (with Examples)

Many salespeople believe they won't sound good if they read from a sales script. While I agree you should never read from a script when selling, a sales script. . .

Top 5 Takeaways on The Importance of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can be considered a national asset, and entrepreneurs are the drivers of that asset for any country. It is a dynamic process that not only increases wealth. . .

My Sales Manifesto

Dimic Robertson is a seasoned sales professional with over 25 years of experience.  He puts together his vision of the sales process cultivated over those years in the field knocking on doors, sitting across kitchen tables and working in call centers.  His guide is a great opportunity for you to build out and clean up your sales processes.  

Whether it's learning how to write an effective sales script to figuring out who your ideal prospect is or learning how to properly follow up- even the seasoned salesperson will learn something new.

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Legal Shield

Legal Zoom provides direct legal support for businesses without the expensive hour rates of legal representation. Receive a cost-advantage-discounts for onboarding new employees, partnering and contracting agreements, and setting up and sending demand letters. Legal Zoom protects your better interests with complete and virtual support. Check out how we help subcontractors and entrepreneurs on a daily basis.

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“Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.”

vera wang