Nuts and Bolts

This Hub is designed to provide resources to help plan your company's structure to ensure that business runs a maximum efficiency.  Whether it's learing how to write the perfect business plan or learning the benefits of a CRM system, we sincerely hope you find content and resources that will help you in your business.

what's your plan
Developing a good business plan can go a long way to setting you on the right track. Whether starting new or refocusing an established business, there's something to be said about putting the future down on paper.
calling all prospects
Depending on the type of business you have, a virtual call center can be an enormous asset. Whether it's using one to help stimulate your sales pipeline or having them answer customer service concerns, it pays to know about virtual call centers.
manage your clients

Customer Relationship Managers or CRMs are very popular today- and there's a reason for that! These systems are much more than just glorified databases. No better way to automate your process than with a CRM.

how you looking

Your logo is the face of your business so, think about yours. Whether you have a current logo or not, there are lots of thought and strategy that can go into creating a truly powerful logo.

It's important to have all the proper foundation in place in order for your business to reach maximum potential.

Read through our articles below and learn something that can improve your business today.



"The call center industry is experiencing rapid growth which, in turn, is driven by rapid challenges in technology, social media and consumer behavior. . ."

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Choose Your Words Wisely: Sales Linguistics 101

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it's not true that words will never hurt you- particularly if you're trying to close a sale. Using the wrong language. . .

Time Management Hacks for Self-Employed Professionals

Now that I'm self-employed, I almost always get the same question "What do you do all day?" whenever I tell someone that I'm a freelancer and I work at home. . .

How to Stay Motivated While you Build Your Business

Remember the day you launched your own business? You had spent months or years deloping your idea. You may have sacrificed a steady job to become. . .

Legal Shield

Legal Zoom provides direct legal support for businesses without the expensive hour rates of legal representation. Receive a cost-advantage-discounts for onboarding new employees, partnering and contracting agreements, and setting up and sending demand letters. Legal Zoom protects your better interests with complete and virtual support. Check out how we help subcontractors and entrepreneurs on a daily basis.

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Fiverr Business

Fiverr Business gives your team the flexibility to connect with vetted freelancers, execute every project, and expand in-house capabilities.  Build a shared network for fast team access to the freelancers you trust or want to work with the most.  Create dedicated Projects to organize orders, track their progress, and add relevant team members.  Set up one team account to streamline freelance activity, communicate effectively, and work better together on projects.

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Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest Registered Agent provides all the tools necessary to form your business and protect your interests going forward.  Their registered agent service allows you to keep your personal name, address and contact info separate from your business.  As another great benefit, they will provide annual report reminders to help you stay compliant.
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"It is only when we take chances, when our lives improve. The initial and the most difficult risk that we need to take is to become honest."

walter anderson