
mental & self improvement

One of the key fundamentals of success for an entrepreneur is their business network. Depending on the business, networks can vary by social media connections to frequent communication with industry-specific professionals. Within these in-person or virtual networks, business development ideas are often surfaced and can attract opportunities like lead generation and business expansion, just to name a couple.

how the brain's flow state keeps us creative, focused and happy

"If you've ever become lost in an activity- playing video games, running or making art- you've noticed that you become completely immersed in the present moment, rising to the challenge of the experience without becoming bored, frustrated, or tired. Thoughts about he past, future, and even the self, melt away. Time seems to fly by. You're in the zone. This is the flow state, . ."

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the scary power of negative words

"Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them.Just say the word “re” while barbequing, orin the workplace, or in a crowded theater, and you’ll getthree completely different but powerful emotional andenergetic reactions. . ."

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the benefits of thinking positively and how to do it

"Are you a glass half-empty or half-full sort of person? Studies have demonstrated that both can impact your physical and mental health and that being a positive thinker is the better of the two. A recent study followed 70,000 women from 2004 to 2012 and found that those who were optimistic had a significantly lower risk of dying from several major causes of death, including. . ."

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developing a positive attitude

"Your mind is a powerful thing. If you allow yourself to keep a positive state of mind, your attitude will follow. There are many ways to develop your positive attitude. Here are a few to help you get started:Listen to your internal dialogue. When faced with a negative thought, turn it around to make it into a positive thought. (For example, “I am no good at this!” could be changed to, “Maybe this is not one of my strengths. . ."

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10 creative ways to keep a positive attitude no matter what

"Even if you love your job, there are times when thingsget negative. You may get bogged down by anangrycustomer, a support error, or a feeling of lacking inproductivity.While it’s easy to fall into a slump based off of onenegative experience, it can be just as easy to redirectyour mind and, instead, focus on the — hopefully more— positive experiences. . ."

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5 mantras of success: where preparation and opportunity meet

"We keep constantly hearing about success, how to be successful and whatit takes to get there. Every school, college and other magazines you’veever read, newspapers, teachers etc would have played an instrumentalrole conveying the message. So much so that sometimes, just the word“success” makes us say, “Wow”. . ."

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luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

"When Kevin Davis served as CEO for a major WallStreet brokeragerm, he saw lots of applications forinternships cross his desk. The majority were fromfriends of colleagues. Very few, if any, were fromstudents from underrepresented communities, the kindof students who can really benet from an internship. . ."

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the power of mastermind groups and how you can benefit from them

"What is a Mastermind Group?Per denition, a Mastermind Group is a mentoringconcept through which individuals can form groups tolearn from each other and grow together.A Mastermind Group can signicantly help you inshaping your life, personality, and business.The intention of a Mastermind Group is that peers canhelp each. . ."

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mastermind groups: everything you need to know

"No matter where you’re leading or what you’re building,a Mastermind group can be the reason you crush everygoal you set out to accomplish. A special kind of magichappens when a small group of highly motivated anddeeply committed people come together to defy oddsand win.What Is a Mastermind Group. . ."

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12 key benefits of participating in a mastermind group

"The idea of pooling many minds into one “master mind” has along history. Andrew Carnegie believed the idea is as old asthe Bible. He pointed out that Jesus’s 12 disciples demonstrated how a group could coordinate their knowledgeand effort to work toward a common purpose. From ancienttimes to present, masterminds have been a consistent theme. . ."

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how to change anyone's mind

"Everyone has something they want to change. Employees want to change their bosses' minds, and leaders want to transform organizations. Salespeople want to win new clients, and startups want to revolutionize industries. Parents want to change their children's behavior, and political canvassers want to sway voters. . ."

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the struggle is real: how to make it as a struggling entrepreneur

"If you’re reading this, you’re probably a struggling entrepreneur. You know that feeling when you’re sitting at your desk, staring at your computer screen with a blank mind. You know you have to write content, but you don’t know what to write. You know you need to make sales, but you’re not sure how. when you’re not sure if you’ll. . ."

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self-improvement ideas for entrepreneurs

"Entrepreneurs are commonly in a challenging situation. They have to be good at many things but are also strapped for time. Most business owners have limited time, energy, and resources available to spend on their self-development. Yet, at the same time, entrepreneurs are usually in a position to gain the most from. . .

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why entrepreneurs have to continually improve themselves

"As an entrepreneur, most of us are aware that when we put in the effort to improve by forcing ourselves to grow and learn in new and different ways, you will certainly see the benefits.There’s actually nothing very mystical about it because the more you work to change & grow, the better equipped you will be to handle the various. . ."

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get real: dealing with unrealistic expectations as an entrepreneur

You convince yourself that you can change the woman or man that causes you misery because you expect love to cure all things. You tell yourself that you can still have a great and productive day at work after you’ve spent all night binge-watching Netflix. Most entrepreneurs enter the business playing field with an optimistic. . ."

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Success is not an accident. In the last year I’ve lost 50 pounds. Most of that has been in the last 6 months. Every time I’ve lost weight in the past, I’ve started to feel a little happier about my appearance and how I felt in my body. This would slowly lead to complacency, and before I even realized what was happening, I was right back up. . ."

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Working on personal development to consistently improve who you are will make you more self-aware and teach you to do what works best for you. In turn, you will put yourself in situations where you are the most efficient and effective, which will give you more time and energy to focus on your brand.
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Top 10 Self-Development Ideas for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are in a challenging situation. They have to be good at so many things but are strapped for time. Most entrepreneurs have limited time, energy, and other resources available to spend on self-development. Yet, at the same time, entrepreneurs are in a position to gain the most from improving their knowledge and skills.
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12 ways to manage your mental health as an entrepreneur
Did you know, over 70% of entrepreneurs experience poor mental health? This can be anything from stress to burnout to breakdown - and we here at Calmer know that it’s all preventable. Whether you are planning on launching your business, working freelance, or you have been running your own business for a number of years, it’s important to prioritize your mental health and wellbeing.
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15 Self-Employment Tax Deductions in 2022
There are many valuable tax deductions for freelancers, contractors and other self-employed people who work for themselves. Here are 15 big self-employment tax deductions to remember.
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10 Ways To Manage Your Mental Health As an Entrepreneur
What comes to your mind when you hear the word entrepreneur? A person who's fearless, tireless, relentless, dynamic, smart and doesn't mind taking risks, right? These are indeed qualities that make entrepreneurs stand out.
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Oprah Winfrey



According to, an entrepreneur isa person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.Entrepreneurship is deeply woven into the fabric of America’s history, its economy, and its cultural beliefs. As Alexis de Tocqueville observed in his 1836 classic Democracy in America, “The Americans always display a free, original and inventive power of mind.”

15 roles of entrepreneurship in modern economy

"Entrepreneurship is an essential part of economic development. It is quite logical, An entrepreneur pulls ahead of the process of economic development through maximum efficient utilization of unutilized natural resources, human resources, labor and capital.The pace of economic development and industrialprogress is the reection of the economy.Hence, entrepreneurship has been accepted as the. . ."

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why is entrepreneurship important?

"The United States has an economic growth problem. From the 1960s through the 1990s, the U.S. economy grew at an inflation-adjusted average annual rate of 3.5 percent, while employment increased at an average annual rate of 2.3 percent. Since then, gains in both measures have slowed substantially – averaging, respectively, 1.9 percent and 0.7 percent per year between 2000 and 2016. . ."

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how entrepreneurship affects the economy

"Entrepreneurship is a blanket term related to starting a business. Howard Stevenson of Harvard Business School, for example, has defined entrepreneurship as the “pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled,” considering it as a kind of managerial approach rather than a specific time, like a business's creation, or a specific person within. . ."

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8 types of entrepreneurs that businesses need today: find out who are you

"People around the world love to do business. Everybusiness starts with an idea, Entrepreneurs transformideas into successful businesses.Also, entrepreneurship is not everybody's cup of tea.So if you are planning to become an entrepreneur, thenit is really essential to understand who an entrepreneuris and what it takes to. . ."

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the values that sustain entrepreneurs

"One stereotypical image that sometimes hovers aroundthe concept of the “entrepreneur” is the conniving, step-on-anyone-to-get-ahead, wheeler-dealer — a kind ofJ.R. Ewing personality who cares for no one but himselfand nothing but his own advancement. No doubt thereare some individuals like that in the business world.And we do hear. . ."

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I'm planning to start my own business, why bother with a college degree?

"I've heard this question in a number of forms, and thereare more than a few articles dedicated to the subject ofhow valuable a college degree is for someone planningto start their own business. In full disclosure, I havetwo degrees, a B.S. in Molecular Biology fromSanJose State Universityand Executive MBA from theAndersonBusinessSchool. . ."

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importance of entrepreneurship: types, benefits and styles

"Economies are powered by innovation. Much of thatinnovation derives from forward-thinking individualswho possess the drive, skills, and background to turn abusiness vision into reality. The importance ofentrepreneurs extends beyond the effect thoseindividuals have on their own companies, however.They impact their broader communities, and. . ."

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top 5 takeaways on the importance of entrepreneurship

"Entrepreneurship can be considered a national asset,and entrepreneurs are the drivers of that asset for anycountry. It is a dynamic process that not only increaseswealth and but can also create value that results inimproved well-being. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in changingsociety, so it makes sense to cultivate. . ."

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should you go to college or start a business?

"It’s been almost four years since former PayPalChairman and CEO Peter Thiel started the20 Under 20program— the controversial initiative that paid 20college students up to $100,000 to drop out of school.Basically, Thiel’s initiative hoped to show that the bestpath to success is not necessarily through education(and its attendant debt burden). . ."

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Family businesses are everywhere. And they’re often misunderstood. Many think of family businesses as old-fashioned companies, passed down from one generation to the next, sometimes across three or more generations. Findings from the first ever Family Entrepreneurship Report by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. . .

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what does entrepreneurship look like around the world?

Fundamentally, entrepreneurs solve problems. But entrepreneurship happens within an economic, political, and cultural context that shapes new businesses to a remarkable degree. In one country, entrepreneurs are the highly educated elite choosing an aspirational path. In another they are entrepreneurs-of-necessity, because there are no other jobs. In some places, only the politically connected would consider launching a venture. In some. . .

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An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources. When the market value generated by this new combination of resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate elsewhere individually or in some other combination, the entrepreneur makes a profit. An entrepreneur. . .

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4 types of entrepreneurship: tips for woment to succeed in business

The past few years have seen an increase in entrepreneurial opportunities available to women who are looking to lead and succeed in their own businesses. According to American Express’s “2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses” report, the number of women-owned businesses grew 21% between 2014 and 2019, compared to 9% growth in businesses overall. Another encouraging sign: businesses owned by women of color grew by 43% in the same time period. . .

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3 non-bs sleep tips for entrepreneurs

I knew I was in trouble when I reached for my eighth cup of coffee. My head was buzzing and my hands were jittery, but it felt like there was no end in sight. It had been more than 24 hours since I last slept, relentlessly working on a project for my new startup. The year was 2006, and I was a new entrepreneur at the time. I felt I needed. . ."

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The realities of being an entrepreneur
When you hear the word "entrepreneur," you are often shown an image of successful people with profitable, rapidly growing businesses. This representation of entrepreneurship reflects the smallest percent of entrepreneurs.
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Startup life: What I thought vs Reality
First, I should comment about the team. I was expecting to work in a small team, but I didn’t foresee how small the team would be. When I began the internship, there were 8 people in the whole Neurable team.
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The reality is that entrepreneurship is an emotional roller-coaster–it’s either going to kill you or make you stronger. Most entrepreneurs out there are wrestling with this flux day in and day out. No doubt, the lifestyle can be exciting. The work can be incredibly fulfilling. But it can also be insanely stressful at times.
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Starting a Business Isn't What You Think. Here's What to Expect Instead.
According to recent research, 24 million Americans want to become their own boss by 2021, but they may not really know what they're getting themselves into. Freshbooks collected data from more than 3,700 full-time American workers for it's 2019 Self-Employment in America report. Many of them had recently become small-business owners or wanted to become one. It turns out many budding entrepreneurs have high expectations, but they aren't being realistic.
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Of the hundreds of thousands of business ventures that entrepreneurs launch every year, many never get off the ground. Others fizzle after spectacular rocket starts.
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Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started
An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.
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german author & philosopher

j.w. goethe

"A person who drudges for the sake of others, for money or honors or whatnot, without following his own ambition, his own need, is always a fool."



Motivation is probably the most important part of a successful entrepreneur or business owner. What motivates us and how can we improve our motivation when it's running low? These articles provide several successful strategies, tips and ideas to help you keep your motivation up and remind yourself what it is that drives you through your day.

how to stay motivated while you build your business

"Remember the day you launched your own business? You had spent months or years developing your idea. You may have sacrificed a steady job to become the master of your professional destiny. Having entrepreneur motivation was easy, natural, and energizing in the beginning. So, why are you struggling to stay motivated now when you need. . ."

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Why Successful People Take 10 Years to 'Succeed Overnight'

"We all have these big goals to attain a rich and meaningful life. The challenge is that we start our careers with few resources. We have little to no money saved up. We don't know a lot about how the business world reallyworks. We don't have a large professional network. So the question is, how do we close this gap over time? . ."

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46 entrepreneurs share their tips for staying motivated in business

"All businesses hit rough patches. You may run out of ideas, run out of steam, or things may just not be working out the way you want them to. So what can you do to pick yourself up and get back on track? No matter what decisions you make, motivation plays a huge role in turning things around. There’s definitely something on the list below that. . ."

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10 tips to help entrepreneurs get motivated

"Often, when entrepreneurs make the bold leap from employee of a corporation to leader of their own business, one of the first challenges they face is no longer having a person or group of people above them to set goals, deadlines and incentives. The responsibility of inspiration becomesa task of self-motivation. . ."

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top 10 reasons to start your own business

Deciding to start your own business is a leap of faith. It requires pushing out of your comfort zone and trying something new. If that idea excites you, why wait around? You’re ready to take the leap and be the CEO of your OWN COMPANY. It’s a lot of work and there are some risks, but the potential for rewards is huge. If you’re not convinced yet. . .

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the top reason most entrepreneurs start businesses

Nothing beats the freedom of being the boss. With freedom comes flexibility to make your own schedule and not have to answer to anyone. You’ll also have the satisfaction of making your own decisions. Starting your own business can be risky, but with that risk comes reward. New entrepreneurs are attracted to the idea that they can build. . .

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build a family business that lasts

Given their portrayals in the media, it might be easy to dismiss family businesses as hotbeds of power playing, favor currying, and back-stabbing—preoccupations that can hurt the company, the family, or both. Think of the Murdochs and NewsCorp, or the Redstones and National Amusements, to name just two. But despite the headline-grabbing tales. . .

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20 reasons to start a family business

"The best way to build wealth and leave a legacy is to grow a family business. Think of all of the family businesses whose products, services, and generosity you benefit from on a daily basis. Your family name can be added to the history books for creating a better society and uplifting others out of poverty. Here are 20 reasons to start your family. . ."

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how top salespeople stay motivated

"The best way to build wealth and leave a legacy is to grow a family business. Think of all of the family businesses whose products, services, and generosity you benefit from on a daily basis. Your family name can be added to the history books for creating a better society and uplifting others out of poverty. Here are 20 reasons to start your family. . ."

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10 motivational sales tips. help me, how do i get motivated?

"When I’m at parties and people find out that I am a motivational speaker and sales training seminar leader they often say something like, “That’s fab, can you motivate me?” Flippant questions aside, motivation is a huge part of what I do when I am consulting with companies to increase sales results and is essential if you want to build a high. . ."

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8 wacky entrepreneur stories to inspire your own business success

"The business world might appear buttoned-down from the outside - but in reality, it's a lot more interesting than you might realize. Many entrepreneurs are known for being colorful characters, both at work and in their personal lives. After all, following rules and staying inside the lines doesn't often make for business success! From winning seed. . ."

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10 inspirational business stories- for when things get tough

If there’s one instantly recognisable characteristic all business owners share, it’s resilience. On their tool belts, hanging right next to resilience and failure, you’ll find optimism. Every now and again however, even the most enduring spirits need a little motivational boost. If you’re having ‘one of those days’, here are 10 inspiring stories of commitment, courage and hard-earned success to keep you pumping those business pedals. . .

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how to achieve business success: inspirational stories

Think, just for a moment, about your favorite brand or product. Once upon a time, it was the brainchild of a struggling startup. It may have started out as someone’s “crazy idea” or “pet project.” But now, you use it regularly, perhaps even every day. So how did it get to you? After all, it overcame the odds to get to where it is now. Nine out of 10. . ."

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Making a lot of money cannot be your only life goal, you would also wish to enjoy what you do. If you are not passionate about what you do, how will you keep yourself motivated? But your dream job cannot always pay your checks many times and you will have to take up a job you do not like that much.
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Setting up a business or startup company is undoubtedly a hard nut to crack, nevertheless once you have started a venture it’s hard to sustain for a long time. There are various challenges and volatility which are encountered by every entrepreneur during their entrepreneurial journey. That’s why one has to be determined wherein motivation plays
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How to Motivate and Promote Entrepreneur Success
To be effective is also to learn from others who have already accomplished their goals. Having a mentor is an incredible blessing for an entrepreneur, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to find one. The path to a productive entrepreneurship may seem thrilling and full of adventure, but the reality is that being your own boss isn’t easy whatsoever.
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Starting a business brings out many different emotions in entrepreneurs, including passion, excitement, and impatience. We have what we think is a great business idea, so we want to get started, hit the ground running, and see progress immediately.
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Entrepreneurs are known for their tenacity and commitment – to lofty ideals, long hours, and success. They are hard workers who go into a project passionately and find success because they can convince other people of the value of their ideas. A key factor in sustaining this kind of energy, creativity, and drive is motivation. The role of motivation in entrepreneurship is foundational to their ultimate success.
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In my experience mentoring new entrepreneurs and aspiring business leaders, I see far too many who seem to be driven by all the wrong reasons. Everyone seems to espouse extrinsic motivations, such as getting rich, having power, and fulfilling parent dreams, when in fact a focus on satisfying internal interests and desires will likely lead to more success, as well as satisfaction.
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How to Stay Motivated to Start a Business
At the base of every business is the ardor and dedication of an entrepreneur with a goal. Working for yourself is an incredible feat that can be extremely challenging. Many resolutions rest on your shoulders, like the structure of your business, company culture and even whether your company continues to run. It’s a lot for one person to carry, and sometimes running a business feels overwhelming.
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Adam Osbourne


the nuts & bolts

Businesses require structure to grow and be profitable, otherwise you'd have people pulling in all sorts of different directions. Planning the structure ensures there are enough human resources with the right skills to accomplish the company's goals, and ensures that responsibilities are clearly defined. It's important to have all the proper foundation in place in order for your business to reach maximum potential.

how to write the perfect business plan: a comprehensive guide

"Maybe you think you don't need a step-by-step guide to writing a great business plan. Maybe you think you don't need a template for writing a business plan. After all, some entrepreneurs succeed without writing a business plan. Withgreat timing, solid business skills, entrepreneurial drive, and a little luck, some founders build thrivingbusinesses. . ."

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how to write a business plan, step by step

"A business plan can make or break a small business. A strong,detailed plan provides a clear road map for the future, forces youto think through the validity of a business idea, and can give youmuch greater understanding of your business’snancials and thecompetition.A business plan typically looks out over three tove years. . ."

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what are the benefits of a virtual call center?

"The call center industry is experiencing rapid growth which in turn is driven by rapid changes in technology, social media, and consumer behavior. Today, superior customer service is synonymous with satisfied and loyal customers, and drives the profits for several global organizations. Research suggests that consumers still prefer telephonic. . ."

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CRM Benefits: How CRM Improves Customer Relationships

"Customers are important as no business exists without its customer base. And, of course, the way a company manages its customer database determines its business success. But, let’s talk about the “R” in “CRM”. Relationships are, by far, the most important part of the trendy acronym –CRM. Why? Because relationships are a bridge between your. . ."

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11 benefits of crm systems

"Customer relationship management (CRM) software has become a near-vital tool for businesses of all sizes. CRM software can provide several benefits to any business, from organizing contacts to automating key tasks. It can also be a centralized, organized hub that enables consistent communication both with customers and within. . ."

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what is a virtual call center? everything you need to know

"What is avirtual call center? Rather than a large roomlled with cubicles and representatives talking overeach other, virtual call centers allow customerservice representativesto work from anywhere in the world.Using virtual call center software or programs, supportteams can provide exceptional support without beingphysically close to a team. . ."

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how to create a logo

"Your logo is a visual representation of everything yourcompany stands for. Think of McDonald's goldenarches or the Nike swoosh-these two impressive logosembody these companies well. But many companiesstill skimp on developing this key identity piece.Ideally, your company logo enhances potentialcustomers and partners' crucialrst impression. . ."

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how to design a logo: the ultimate guide

"Have you ever seen a big brand without a logo? No?That’s because there aren’t any. Alogohas a majorimpact on how your customers will perceive your brand.So naturally, you want your logo to be outstanding. Buthow do you get there?Don’t fret! This handy guide will teach you everythingyou need to know to design the perfect logo. . ."

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how to design a logo: 5 steps to creating a logo you love

"So you want to design a logo for your company ororganization. If you have the resources, ourrstsuggestion is to hire or commission a designer.Designing a logo may seem simple, but ask any gooddesigner and they’ll tell you it’s not. The design processrarely is.Plus, you get what you pay for, and we want you tohave the best. . ."

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everything you need to know about picking and using brand colors

"If you’ve set out to rebrand your business, or if you’relaunching a new business, you’re probably wonderinghow in the world you’re supposed to pick the colors thatwill represent yourbrand identity.Luckily, it’s a task that’s been done many times bymany successful companies, and we can learn fromwhat they’ve done and apply it to. . ."

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creating a pitch deck? 5 ways to design a winner

"A sales pitch is a short, well-structured speech orpresentation that explains a company’s product orservice and how they are of value to the audience.To make a solid pitch deck, you’ll want to know whatmotivates people to buy. If you have an idea of whatyour target market wants and needs, it will be mucheasier for you to speak their language. . ."

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the 11 slides you need to have in your pitch deck for 2022

"If you’re raising money for your business, having animpressive pitch deck is a key component in yourfundraising toolkit. A great pitch deck gets potentialinvestors excited about your idea and engages them ina conversation about your business, hopefully leadingto an investment.In this article, I’m going to give you the formula for what. . ."

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top 25 small business tax deductions

"As a small business owner, you are probably alwayslooking for ways to save money on your taxes. Well,look no further! This article will discuss the Top 25Small Business Tax Deductions that you can takeadvantage of. In addition, we will also provide somehelpful tips on how to keep track of your expenses anddeductions throughout the. . ."

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"In the first few years of business, small companies come up against a lot of different challenges. Some are harder than others to overcome — and, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of small businesses fail by the end of their first year. By the end of their fifth year, 50% go under; and by the tenth year, that number rises to. . ."

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"Small businesses that survive five years after inception are about 45.4% to 51%. By the tenth year, only one in three firms is still operational. But why is that so? The first few years present a myriad of challenges to upcoming businesses. Most business owners at this stage lack the resources and expertise necessary to navigate through. . ."

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"When you run a small business, you wear many different hats. From bookkeeping to marketing to developing your product or service offerings, entrepreneurs and small business owners are busy. While it's not always easy to find time to complete additional tasks, small business owners should take the time to determine. . ."

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HOW TO VALUE A SMALL BUSINESS if you're looking to sell- or buy

"Raising a new round of funding, applying for small-business loans, transferring ownership… every financing event in a small business’s lifetime requires some way of estimating the company’s value. Wherever you are in your business’s lifecycle, you'll want to know how to value a small business sooner rather than later. Feeling confident in. . ."

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"As a business appraiser, I understand that most business owners looking to sell as a going concern are simply looking for a quick way to determine the fair market value of their businesses. They are not interested in calculating the terminal value, weighted average cost of capital or discounted future cash flow of earnings. Small business owners. . ."

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11 Tips to build a social media presence

"So you’re looking to build a social media presence for yourself or your business, but where do you start? It can seem daunting building from the ground up, so here are 11 ways to successfully create, maintain and grow your social media presence. Ask yourself ‘why am I on social media?’ It appears that everyone and their dog is on . . ."

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how to start a podcast: a complete step-by-step tutorial

"If you’re looking for a guide that walks you through how to start a podcast, you’re absolutely in the right place…Starting a podcast isn’t difficult, but there are a number of steps you’ll need to go through in order to get it launched.In this podcasting tutorial, we’ll walk you through every step of the process:Choosing a topic & name. . ."

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10 tax tips for freelancers and contract employees

"One of the best parts about being a freelancer or independent contractor is that you can take a few deductions without having to itemize your entire tax bill.In reality, who cares about taxes? The best part of being a freelancer is that you don’t have to put on real pants, your cattiest colleague is actually your tabby, Mr. Ribbons. . ."

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When your business is on a low budget, there are probably several functions that are high-priority when allocating funds. Of course, your product team could use some financial assistance, and marketing — especially advertising — could always use a little padding. However, it might seem like a waste to invest money in your customer. . ."

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As a business owner, it’s your job to take care of a host of obligations. One moment, you may be managing a human resources issue, and the next, you are coping with a customer complaint. Wearing so many different hats can make it difficult to stay on top of other, less frequent aspects of running a business, such as taxes.
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american author

napoleon hill

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].”


sales & marketing

The best business idea in the world can't ever get off the ground if no one knows about it. There's a reason why many businesses spend 30% of their budget just towards marketing. Whether it's building the perfect sales script, implementing an effective follow up protocol or identifying and qualifying prospects, there are many strategies and tips below to help you improve your sales and marketing immediately.

the ultimate guide to sales scripts (with examples)

"Many salespeople believe they won’t sound good if theyread from asales script. While I agree you should neverread from a script when selling, a sales script can greatlyimprove your results by preparing you with the bestquestions and lines to say and ask.Here, we'll take a closer look at what a sales script is,review the sales script creation process, and see someexamples of what these guides can look like in practice. . ."

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the power of follow up

"While all of the methods and discussion up to this have been designed and intended to assist you on creating the best possible chance for sales success, the vast majority of your ultimate success is going to come from your follow up. For most sales, the average prospect is not going to buy at the first contact and anyone that has been in sales long enough will. . ."

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the ultimate guide to creating an effective follow up system

"Follow-Up is vital. Strong relationships in business and life are formed over time across multiple interactions. Yet so many people invest tons of time and energy into going out to events, meeting new people, then doing practically no follow-up at all to build the relationship from there. Madness! If you stopped going to half the events you go to and instead invested a fraction of the time you save into. . ."

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the ultimate guide on how to write a follow up email

"In a world filled with emails, texts, and instant messages, there are three phrases you probablyfind yourself consistently reading and writing: 1. "Just checking into see ..." 2. "Thought I would just check in and find out ..." 3. "Just wanted to check in to hear about ..." These phrases signal a follow-up message. They're common expressions for people to use. . ."

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creating a pitch or script

"At this point you should: have a good idea who your ideal prospect is, be thinking about some ways to get in front of that ideal prospect and know if you are pitching by phone or face-to-face. Now that these factors are taken into account you can start thinking about your pitch. Conceptually, I find it helps me to work through this process by thinking of. . ."

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5 rules for effectively following up

"I had a conversation with a friend the other day about his job search that went something like this: Friend: I wrote to him last week and still haven’t heard back. It’s so frustrating. Me: Why not follow up and check in? Friend: I don’t want to be annoying. I understand the fear. No one wants to be annoying or bothersome to a professional contact, especially when you want a job, meeting, sales dollars, or something. . ."

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how to follow up with someone who's not getting back to you

"We’ve all been there. You email someone asking for a conversation, information, input, or an introduction, and you get no response. Whether you are reaching out to a coworker, a client, a recruiter,a classmate, or even an old friend, not everyone will get back to you on your timeline — if at all. As frustrating and disappointing as it may be. . ."

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Identifying and Qualifying Prospects

"Take a moment to think about the product or service you provide. Is it something that all people across age, income and community (ethnicity/location/group values/etc) purchase equally? Likely the answer is no. For instance, if you sell group health insurance plans, someone that is a senior citizen has no need for your product. Or, if you're. . ."

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how to master the art of sales

"Being a teacher, sales is not my area of expertise.However, after a brief study of the subject I quicklylearned the catch phrase: ‘Sales are everything’. Now, Idon’t know if I’d go to that extreme, but selling issomething we as humans do all the time.As a teacher, I sell students ideas and concepts all thetime. In fact, we as a society sell each other ideas. . ."

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11 ways to master the art of selling

"Here, you have eleven choice bits of selling wisdom toreturn to as your career progresses. Use this list asyour road map to mastering the art of selling, as youreleven easy steps to becoming a champion in all yourfuture selling endeavors.Develop your curiosity:Before you enter into any new sales experience, makesure you bring with you an attitude of. . ."

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the language of sales: what to say (and not to say)

"The language of sales is one in which complexthoughts are simplied. Vexing decisions are reducedto their obvious conclusions. Lack of clarity becomesThe language of sales is one inwhich complexthoughts are simplied. Vexing decisions are reducedto their obvious conclusions. Lack of clarity becomescrystal clear.This language contains words. . ."

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how to create a social media marketing strategy in 9 easy steps

"A social media marketing strategy is a summary ofeverything you plan to do and hope to achieve onsocial media. It guides your actions and lets you knowwhether you’re succeeding or failing.The more specic your plan is, the more effective it willbe. Keep it concise. Don’t make it so lofty and broadthat it’s unattainable or impossible to measure. . ."

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the top 14 power words for sales success

"Wordsare powerful. One word can shape the outcomeof an entire conversation. So, if you want yourprospect’s buying journey to keep moving in a positivedirection, you needimpactful power wordsfor salesinteractions to do that.After all, these are strong sales words that are meant totap into a prospect’s positiveemotionsto motivatethem to buy. . ."

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choose your words wisely: sales linguistics 101

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it’s nottrue that words will never hurt you — particularly ifyou’re trying to close a sale. Using the wrong languagecan be off-putting and costly.Fortunately, the opposite is also true. Languagechoices that make you sound condent, relatable andtrustworthy can seal the deal.These 10 sales linguistics tips. . ."

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11 Major small business challenges today's business owner faces

"Small businesses that survive five years after inception are about 45.4% to 51%. By the tenth year, only one in three firms is still operational. But why is that so? The first few years present a myriad of challenges to upcoming businesses. Most business owners at this stage lack the resources and expertise necessary to navigate through the. . ."

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9 business challenges every small business struggles with (and how to fix them)

"In the first few years of business, small companies come up against a lot of different challenges. Some are harder than others to overcome — and, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of small businesses fail by the end of their first year. By the end of their fifth year, 50% go under; and by the tenth year, that number. . . "

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sales appointment schedule techniques

"In the sales profession, scheduling one-on-one meetings with prospects is crucial to your success. And since the majority of the calls you make will be cold calls, your appointment-setting approach must be well practiced, developed, and, above all, organized. By employing solid scheduling tactics, your appointments and income will improve significantly. . ."

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Take a moment to think about the product or service you provide. Is it something that all people across age, income, and community (ethnicity/location/group values/etc.) purchase equally? Likely the answer is no. For instance, if you sell group health insurance plans, someone that is a senior citizen has no need for your product. . ."

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The buying process is very different from what it was 20 years ago. Buyers used to learn about companies and products through billboards and sales calls. Today, they’re tuning out interruptive messaging and using Google to take the decision-making process into their own hands.
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12 Most Effective Sales Strategies For Startups
You hear that term a lot: “Startup company,” or “startup companies.” But what does it really mean? Why would sales strategies for startups be any different from selling strategies for any other kind of company?
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9 Sales and Marketing Tips for Startups
Marketing done right can be an incredible boon for your business’s net income. Done wrong, however, it can feel like throwing money into a raging bonfire. Because small business owners have to be whatever their small business needs -- all the time -- it can be difficult to master all the nuances that go into sales or marketing.
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What is entrepreneurial marketing?
Entrepreneurial Marketing is a marketing process that includes business planning, identifying the needs and wants of consumers, building brand awareness, designing a compelling message to promote the product, and maintaining customer relationships. Because many entrepreneurs are starting their businesses, entrepreneurial marketing is increasingly becoming popular.
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Local marketing strategies for success
Local marketing is an essential element of a larger marketing strategy for small businesses, as it can get your brand in front of a broader local audience that are likely to patronize your business in the near future. But what can you do as an entrepreneur to improve your small business’s reach with a local audience? This guide includes seven quick, free tips that can immediately improve your local marketing strategy.
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6 Essential Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Marketing
The world is constantly changing. Businesses need to be unique to succeed. The secret to every business idea is effective marketing. Without marketing, it is impossible to attract customers. One of the ways through which you can market your products is entrepreneurial marketing.
Entrepreneurial marketing is not the same as traditional marketing. It follows a bottom-up approach.
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"You're a team. If you do it, you're going to do it together. There's no hardship you can't overcome."

tom brady


scheduling & daily routines

Great entrepreneurs and small business owners use their morning routines to energize, get focused and prepare for an optimally productive day. Working on your own, it can be be difficult to maintain a consistent schedule day-in and day-out but, having a consistent and efficient daily routine can make all the difference in being productive, achieving goals, feeling centered and making decisions from a place of calm energy.

time management hacks for self-employed professionals

"Are you managing your time in the best ways? Self-employment and remote work can come with anabundance of benets. But they can also come with thepesky issue of time management.Time management isn’t just about time, either. Itoverows into productivity, prots, stress, planning and so much more. Finding a balance in it all is the most. . ."

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my average day as a self-employed person

"Now that I’m self-employed, I almost always get thequestion “What do you doallday?” whenever I tellsomeone that I’m a freelancer and I work at home.I will say that I denitely do not do the same thing eachday.Some days I work a lot (over 12 hours), whereas othersI hardly work (no hours at all or less than 2 or 3).Usually my weekends are. . ."

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how to set a schedule for a perfect work from home routine

"Tips to Have a Set Schedule When YouWork From Home:1. Create a Morning Routine.Start your morning with positivity.Never underestimate the power of a morning routine.It’s important to set aside a few hours every day to justwarm up and prepare for the coming day.Some things you can do to create a solid morningroutine. . ."

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how to establish (and keep) a stricter schedule when you work for yourself

"When you work for yourself, you’ll have practicallyunlimited freedom for how and when you work. Formost people, this is a blessing; you can work duringhours when you feel most productive, and have plentyof time to take care of errands and personalresponsibilities. But there’s a downside to this extrafreedom; if you aren’t careful, your intended. . ."

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how to optimize your entrepreneurial morning routine

"An entrepreneurial mindset starts from the moment youwake up in the morning.Great entrepreneurs use their morning routines toenergize, get focused, and prepare for an optimallyproductive day. Whether you're hustling for yourstartup, or are a visionary leader for aourishingenterprise orself-employed business owner, leadingyour own business. . ."

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entrpreneurs are scheduling their days down to the minute for ultimate success

"When I started my own business one of the most challenging obstacles I had to overcome was sticking to a daily schedule. It's no tlike we have to adhere to the traditional nine to five workday. Some days I would arrive at seven am, while other days I would come in laater and stay well into the evening. This flexibility was liberating, yet. . ."

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how to schedule your day for maximum productivity when you run your own business

"Time is a precious commodity, especially when you're a small-business owner and it feels like there are always a million things to do. "Most small-business owners don't build time into their workday for things that are not just run, run, run, for the business," Laura Vanderkam, time-management expert and author of. . ."

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5 steps to create a personalied daily routine

"Setting up an organized work routine takes a little time to set up. You need to figure out what you need to get done and when to do it. Learn how to make a schedule for your daily tasks and activities. It will help you form good habits and break bad ones for a more productive, happier life. First, write down everything you need. . ."

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The Best Time to schedule sales calls backed by data

"Unfortunately, when it comes to scheduling your first meeting with a prospect, no shows can and will happen. Take a look at your own schedule. Your time is probably dominated by meetings and appointments. Your prospect's calendars no doubt look pretty similar. Combine their already busy schedules with the occasional fire drill that. . ."

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The best time to schedule appointments

"Hi, Tod Novak here for your weekly sales strategy. If you're in sales, which most people watching these vides are, we're going to talk about a way to make sure scheduled appointments do not cancel on you and more importantly, when is the best time to get ahold of propective clients to schedule appointments. . ."

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the best days and times for sales meetings, according to new data

"You just crushed a demo, you're making good progress toward quota, and you're ready to get on your next call and crush it, too. But 10 minutes after the prospect is supposed to join the meeting, they still haven't shown up. You've been no-showed. Having a prospect flake isn't just annoying -- it's also a big waste of time. Every second you spend. . ."

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appointment setting: a guide for b2b sales

"The B2B outbound lead generation process involves conducting in-depth research, building ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and buyer personas (BPs), hand-picking leads, creating personalized content for a multichannel outreach, calling, emailing, tracking various KPIs, performing analysis, and finally starting all over again. But, wait did we. . ."

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If you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to your morning routine, stop right there. There isn’t one. The perfect formula does not exist. The morning routines of successful entrepreneurs vary wildly because successful entrepreneurs operate differently.
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10 daily habits of successful entrepreneurs
Success and healthy habits often go hand in hand — especially for entrepreneurs. That’s because high achievers, like entrepreneurs, understand the importance of being intentional with every task, and making the most out of every day.One common question that people ask entrepreneurs is, “how did you become so successful?” Many would tell you that focusing on small improvements within your business every day can yield big results.
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5 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Schedule Their Day
Entrepreneurs are busy people. Chances are, they got to be successful because of how much they work. However, that kind of busy is different than the random, chaotic busy we can all feel from time to time when we just have too much on our plate or are running around from meeting to meeting. A successful busy is a structured busy -- and that means scheduling your time well so you are making the most of every minute.
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The Eye-Opening Schedule of a Part-Time Entrepreneur
To be a part-time entrepreneur it’s all about your schedule. If you set up a process to manage your time in advance then you can crush it as a part-time entrepreneur.So with a lot of experimentation I came up with my own version of part-time entrepreneurship. I expanded my income from a single customer, known as a 9–5 job, to two customers: a job and a writing hustle.
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As an entrepreneur, you often work ten to twelve hour days and that can often include working on weekends. With all the hustle and bustle of taking care of our businesses, sometimes we forget to indulge in a daily self care routine. That’s precisely why I created these self care tips.
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I Work for Myself—These Are The Productivity Hacks That Actually Help Me Get Work Done
Picture this: You leave your full-time job to freelance. Now, you can set your own rates and schedule and choose the projects you work on, and it can all be done in your pajamas. Sounds pretty great, right? It is, but as someone who’s been there and done that for quite some time, it’s also a big adjustment to make—especially when it comes to getting paid.
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9 tips to perfect your ‘working from home’ morning routine
When you work from home, it can be tempting to stay in bed until the very last minute possible.
While it’s OK to treat yourself and do this on the odd occasion, I would advise you to be more disciplined and wake up at the same time every day. You don’t have to wake up ridiculously early, just set your alarm for whatever time is realistic and works for you. It sounds preachy but routine really is your best friend.
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It’s trendy to be an entrepreneur. And the internet gurus sell a pretty picture: working a few hours a day from a beautiful beach with your laptop casually sitting next to a beautiful tropical drink.
But the reality is that successfully being self-employed involves more than working from anywhere in the world and raking in the money.
Being self-employed requires discipline, hard work, and a lot of faith.
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Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

networking and business development

One of the key fundamentals of success for an entrepreneur is their business network. Depending on the business, networks can vary by social media connections to frequent communication with industry-specific professionals. Within these in-person or virtual networks, business development ideas are often surfaced and can attract opportunities like lead generation and business expansion, just to name a couple.

how to network: 17 tips for shy people

"Networking is the key to business success. It helps yound jobs, recruittalent, andnd customers and investors.But networking is a trial for shy people — geeks especially — for whom itfeels insincere or manipulative. They avoid it, afraid it will lead to rejection.But that undermines their careers and projects.“Networking isn’t smarmy,” says. . ."

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how to network the right way: eight tips

"Most people attend networking events to gainsomething: job leads, referrals, exposure, connections,opportunities to grow their business. Havingorganizedmore than50 networking events over thepast 10 years, I’ve seen plenty of these people leavedisappointed, dismissing networking as a completewaste of time.But I’ve also seen the opposite. . ."

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11 tips to help you network better

"Networking. Everyone does it but how do you do it well? Many people believe that networking during a job search means calling everyone and asking them for a job. People associate networking with being pushy and overbearing. Some people tend to hide away from networking because they don’t want to be labeled as this type. . ."

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how to write a business proposal in 7 steps

"Whether you're a B2B or a B2C company, you're in the business of convincing customers to choose to spend their money with your business. For a B2B company that process usually involves a business proposal. In the B2B industry, once you've attracted new customers, which are most likely other businesses, you have to actually make a deal. . ."

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are there instant-approval business credit cards?

"No business cred cards offer instant approval, strictly speaking. But some cards advertise fast decision times of less than 60 seconds and may provide your credit card number before your physical card so you can start spending immediately. Business owners with good to excellent credit (a FICO score of at least 690) stand the best chance. . ."

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8 tips for successful business development

"May founders and CEOs get to the point where they ask, "We need to hire a business development person. Do you know anyone?" Few roles have more varied job descriptions than business development. It's no wonder why it's hard to figure out who to hire, what this person should do and how to measure success. If your company is. . ."

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15 business development tips to impact company growth

"Developing a business takes strategic planning from professionals in any industry. Implementing practices and innovative ideas that increase sales and revenue are the keys to successful business development. From business owners to staff members, business development is an important consideration that can lead to company growth. . ."

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13 secrets for growing your business quickly

"1. Hire the right people. Before you can even think about your company's growth trajectory, you need to have a solid staff to help you achieve your goals. "Hiring the absolute best people you can is a surefire way to ensure fast growth," said Christian Lanng, CEO and co-founder of business software provider Tradeshift. . ."

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lead generation: a beginner's guide to generating business leads the inbound way

"Let’s set the stage: I’m about to dig into the best darn pile of spaghetti and meatballs I’ve ever seen. Just as I twist my fork in the pasta, spear a mouth-watering meatball, and go in for my first savory bite...the phone rings. "May I speak to Lindsay Kow-low-witch?" asks the telemarketer on the other end. "This is an important message regarding. . ."

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how to generate leads for your business- lead generation strategies, tips and tricks

"Approximately one-third of businesses with employees fail within their first two years according to data from the SBA. While this article isn’t going to dissect the wide range of reasons a business may fail, it will highlight one of the main factors for business success: consistent lead generation. For your venture to scale quickly and. . ."

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generate leads for free: 27 ways to feed your funnel

"Getting your company to generate leads for free is a great way to set your business up for success – you free up the money you would have spent on finding those leads for other important parts of your company. Here are three additional strategies you can try to start getting more free leads. Lead generation, or the process of identifying. . ."

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deal pipeline: 8 effective strategies to ensure a well-oiled sales deal pipeline

"Effective deal pipeline management correlates directly with your close rate. This is why the most successful sales teams hold frequent sales pipeline review meetings. But much like a house plant, you can’t simply look at it and expect it to grow! So here are several time-tested deal pipeline management practices that will ensure your sales pipeline is as fruitful ascan be.What is a deal pipeline?Deal pipeline is the visual representation of all potential. . ."

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how to manage your sales pipeline: best practices for sales pipeline management

"Welcome to the definitive guide to sales pipeline management! If you've got questions, we've got answers. This guide provides a high-level overview of all things pipeline-related, including: Why is a sales pipeline important? What are the sales pipeline stages? Building a sales pipeline. Steps to increase your sales pipeline. How to clean up your sales pipeline. How to monitor your sales pipeline.Sales pipeline metrics.The sales pipeline report. . ."

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7 useful ways to successfully network with other small businesses

"As a small business owner, you probably don’t have a lot of time. But it’s important to carve out a bit of time to network, especially with other small businesses. You’re probably thinking, “But time is money,” and you’re right. If done correctly, this small investment of time could be worth a lot of money. Networking is a great way to generate business leads, whether it’s a new partner for a future project or a new customer. It’s also a good way. . ."

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5 places to meet like-minded entrepreneurs

"There is a common theme that keeps coming up for my private coaching clients lately. On just about every call, they mention how they can’t seem to find people who get them. They want to be around like-minded entrepreneurs and aren’t really sure where to find them. Sadly, this is extremely common in the beginning stages of a business. Usually, the person starting a business realizes they may think a little differently than the people around them. . . "

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50 of the best affiliate programs that pay the highest commission

Every day, thousands of publishers benefit from a recurring cash inflow by partnering up with other companies via affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your blog, especially when you don't sell products or services. Joining an affiliate program can get you exclusive access to new content and special deals for your audience — all while earning you more money. There are many types of affiliate programs. . ."

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What does every successful entrepreneur, athlete, teacher, or artist in the world have in common? They can point out at least one mentor who made a difference in their lives. No matter what kind of industry you’re in, what kind of career you’re building, or what kind of person you are—having a great mentor is a key factor in becoming successful. . ."

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While some people don't network enough, others fall into the trap of ineffective networking. This usually means attending lots of events that aren't focused enough. It's important to invest your time wisely and learn how to choose events and strategies that are worthwhile. The same events aren't equally valuable to everyone so you have to use your judgment.
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Entrepreneurship Is Booming—Here’s Why That’s Great News
In 2021, U.S. small businesses—defined as small businesses with fewer than 500 employees—topped 32.5 million, accounting for 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. Businesses with fewer than 10 employees account for 78.5% of the businesses in the U.S.
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(Net)Work it: The importance of networking to grow your small business
Networking has always played a critical role in creating and supporting the relationships at the heart of every small business. In a global pandemic, when the natural flow of connecting with colleagues and industry peers is missing, intentional networking remains equally—if not more—important to nurture your business and keep it growing.
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american spiritualist and activist

peace pilgrim

"All of us, all over the world, are cells in the body of humanity.  you are not separate from your fellow humans, and you cannot find harmony for yourself alone.  you can only find harmony when you realize the oneness of all and work for the good of all."



Today, we’re navigating in a post-pandemic environment after the world paused for about a year. Fear and misinformation has created a polarized-political environment which can skew the accuracy of simple economics. We focus on identifying all the past events since the Great Recession that created this unique financial world we see today so we can better understand our direction forward. Our approach to financial awareness clears the air of hearsay and focuses on key principles through cause and effect.


"Gas prices, which have increased almost 50 percent over the past six months, are not yet at a record inflation-adjusted high, though they may still get there. JPMorgan analyst Natasha Kaneva said there’s a very real risk it might reach $6 by August. To beat the actual 2008 record, adjusted in 2022 dollars, gas prices would have to rise past $5.33. . ."

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"Today, employees that are transitioning to working remotely or changing employers have a real need to protect their 401k, 403b, or other employer sponsored plan (ESP) from an over-leveraged stock market that seems to operate outside of pre pandemic standards. When an employee parts ways from their previous employer, the employer no longer. . ."
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"There are two prices that are critical for any investor to know: the current price of the investment they own or plan to own and its future selling price. Despite this, investors are constantly reviewing past pricing history and using it to influence their future investment decisions. Some investors won't buy a stock or index that has risen too sharply, because they assume it's due for a correction, while other investors avoid a falling stock because they fear it will continue to deteriorate. . ."
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"Lately, it feels like every basic cost has gone up. With paychecks covering less food, gas, and housing than they used to, many Americans are getting frustrated with inflation and wondering what is going on. . ."
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"Since the beginning of 2022, the S&P 500 index is down nearly 21% as of Monday afternoon, with companies like Amazon and Google parent Alphabet leading the way with their 39% and 27% respective drops. Elon Musk’s Tesla has also lost 45% of its market value since January — shaving more than $500 billion off of its market cap. . ."
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"At just 21 months old, the bull market that began in March 2020 has already seen a gain of more than 114% in the S&P 500. This means it’s already outperformed the 2002 to 2007 rally, which lasted nearly four times as long. After a year like 2021, when the S&P 500 rose in excess of 27%, it might be tempting to assume the trend will simply continue in 2022. But making predictions about the stock market is always a tricky endeavor, and 2022 is no exception. . ."
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"The biggest difference between now and 2008 has to do with “quantitative easing” (QE) ­– that is, buying Treasury debt with bank reserves that have paid interest since October 2008. Today, the Fed plans to phase‐​out the latest of four dubious QE experiments. And the Fed also plans to raise the interest rate it pays on bank reserves, which is far more relevant than the fed funds rate in an era when the banks have been flooded with reserves by QE. .."
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"The period known as the Great Moderation came to an end when the decade-long expansion in US housing market activity peaked in 2006 and residential construction began declining. In 2007, losses on mortgage-related financial assets began to cause strains in global financial markets, and in December 2007 the US economy entered a recession. . ."
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"In 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, the first of two measures put into place that would eventually set the stage for the world’s first global recession. This new act gave unprecedented opportunities to the banking world. The act . . ."
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"Quantitative easing (also known as QE) is a nontraditional Fed policy more formally known as large-scale asset purchases, or LSAPs, where the U.S. central bank buys hundreds of billions of dollars in assets, mostly U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency debt and mortgage-backed securities. . ."
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"When a central bank decides to use QE, it makes large-scale purchases of financial assets, like government and corporate bonds and even stocks. This relatively simple decision triggers powerful outcomes: The amount of money circulating in an economy increases, which helps lower longer-term interest rates. This lowers the cost of borrowing, which spurs economic growth. . ."
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How small businesses are fighting inflation and fear of a recession
After navigating the pandemic and dealing with rising inflation, she’s now thinking about how her Miami-based chocolatier, Garcia Nevett Chocolates, can weather a possible recession. With growth for her small business linked to corporate gift giving, she’s worried about cuts in spending.
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EXPLAINER: Mixed US inflation signs. Where are prices going?
Consumers struggling with skyrocketing prices for food, gas, autos and rent got a tantalizing hint of relief last month, when prices didn’t budge at all from June after 25 straight months of increases. With gas prices continuing to fall, inflation is probably slowing further this month.
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Inflation: Prices on the rise
Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Inflation is typically a broad measure, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country. But it can also be more narrowly calculated—for certain goods, such as food, or for services, such as a haircut, for example.
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The economy is on the path to recovery but it's still far from repaired. Yet investors and economists are already worried it might be growing too fast. Here's what experts actually mean when they talk about the "overheating" economy.
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Talk about a turnaround: After two years of extreme bidding wars, packed open houses and sky-high prices, the housing market is finally starting to cool off. While experts generally agree that the United States is not headed for a housing crash like the one that precipitated the Great Recession, some say there’s a risk of a correction — a type of pullback that’s typically more common and less intense than a crash.
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Whenever I get most of my energy sector predictions right — as I did in 2021 — I often question whether I was aggressive enough with the predictions. I always try to strike a balance between realistic predictions, and those that are too obvious. But then sometimes we have a year like 2020, when even the most obvious predictions were quickly turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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A bond’s interest rate sensitivity can be measured by duration, which is the bond’s maturity adjusted by the cash flows over its life. The current duration of the bond market is about seven years. If interest rates rise by 1% over the coming year, the bond market will lose 7% in value but still earn 1.8% of income.
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The Fed’s actions to date do not guarantee a recession, but they have already made one more likely. Moreover, if they continue on a hawkish path much longer, a recession is quite probable. This would be a huge and avoidable policy mistake.
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5 signs the world is headed for a recession
Over the past week, the pulse of those flashing red lights quickened as markets grappled with the reality — once speculative, now certain — that the Federal Reserve will press on with its most aggressive monetary tightening campaign in decades to wring inflation from the US economy. Even if that means triggering a recession.
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