sales & marketing
the top 14 power words for sales success
By: Vivian Lopez
Words are powerful. One word can shape the outcome of an entire conversation. So, if you want your prospect’s buying journey to keep moving in a positive direction, you need impactful power words for sales interactions to do that.
After all, these are strong sales words that are meant to tap into a prospect’s positive emotions to motivate them to buy. Watch the video below and keep reading to learn why power words are beneficial in sales, see a comprehensive sales power words list, discover how you can use them, and more…
Why Are Power Words for Sales Beneficial?
Power words work because they are persuasive and garner a good emotional response. In other words, they make your prospects feel good, as well as build trust — which is essential for building the relationships you need to make the sale.
When you use power words in sales, the people you interact with are more likely to let their guard down and listen to what you have to say. They will resonate with you and your brand, and what you have to offer them.
You are able to empathize with their emotions and pain points, and offer solutions in a much more personal way. That way they don’t feel like merely a number in your pipeline.
14 Sales Power Words for Better Connections and More Sales
Now, you may already have some go-to power words for sales pitches, but here is a list with additional ideas that will get you the results you are looking for…
1. You
When you’re communicating with the prospect, it should be all about them.
• “You seem like the kind of person who cares more about people, about the conversations, about relationships…”
• “We want to help you.”
• “If you believe…”
All of the phrases are ones our sales team uses here at BombBomb. What do they have in common? “You.”
They use the word “You” to show that they are committed to the success of their prospect, not just themselves. They are helping them see why the product is right for them and their business.
2. Goals
Every potential customer you work with will have goals they want to achieve for their business. It’s your job to show them how your product or service will help them accomplish those objectives.
So, ask them about their goals. Find out the pain points that are getting in the way of reaching them. These details will be essential to conversations throughout the entirety of the buying journey and beyond – from your initial prospecting to the appointment and everything that follows.
Focus all your interactions around how your company can help them overcome the hurdles and reach those goals. Show them how dedicated you are to helping them thrive.
3. Opportunity
In order for prospective clients to envision themselves using your product, they need to see its potential. You need to show them the opportunities that arise from becoming a customer – whether that be opportunities for growth, improvement, and beyond.
The more resulting opportunities they see for their business, the more likely they are to buy in to what you have to offer. They need to see that the investment they’re making is one that is worth it. They need to see for themselves they will reap the benefits of using your product.
Once these opportunities are identified, you’ll be able to formulate your sales conversations around them, as well as put them on the right track for success with your company to keep them as customers for the long haul.
4. We
You need to prove to your prospects that you are on this buying journey alongside them. They are not alone in the buying experience. You are a team.
So show them that you are in this together by using the word, “We.” A phrase like, “We are going to see results by…” embodies a spirit of a partnership. This is what will get people to trust you because they’ll realize you’re sticking by them in the sales process – and well past that.
Show them that someone will always be there to help them every step of the way to ensure they thrive, not only from sales but also from customer success, support, and more. Because ultimately, their success is your success.
5. Easy
With all the daily challenges people face, you don’t want to add to that. You want to make things easier for them with what you’re selling. Hone in on that by incorporating, “Easy,” into your sales pitch.
Pose this question to them, “What can I do to make things as easy as possible for you?” Really hear what they have to say, and demonstrate how your product can make life easier for them.
6. Success
Every prospect wants to see success. Your product has to help them get there.
Ask them what success looks like for their business. Show them how your product or service can increase their chances of making that vision a reality.
Share the stories of your thriving customers that they can relate to. Give them something to look forward to – something too good for them to pass up.
But be sure to set realistic expectations. Don’t overpromise and be transparent on what you can deliver. Check out this episode of The Customer Experience Podcast to learn more about why transparency wins in sales.
7. Amazing
You want to get your prospects excited about your product. The words you use to do that are so important to set that tone for your interactions along the sales process. “Amazing” is a good place to start.
Use it to highlight your company. Then, follow that up with the standout features of the product you’re selling. Show them what about it is actually amazing. Give them a fear of missing out, so they’re persuaded to close the deal.
8. Believe
Get prospective customers to believe in what your business can do for theirs. Utilize this prompt to garner ideas for your pitch: “If you believe that XYZ, then XYZ is right for you.” Demonstrate that your business is selling something that aligns with their beliefs and values.
This is how you’ll get the buy-in you’re seeking. You’re getting them to see the bigger picture of how your product fits in with their company mindset and culture.
9. If
“If” is similar to “believe” in that it helps your potential clients understand why they need your product or service. See how it’s used in this example, “If you want a clean house and are short in time, our cleaning services can help.”
“If” allows you to really exhibit the value behind what you’re selling. Tie it to their pain points and offer them a clear solution. That way they can truly envision why they need your help to begin with.
10. Benefit
What do they get out of working with you? That’s what prospective clients want to know. Deliver on that with the word, “Benefit.” Why is the product a good fit for them? How will it be beneficial to the success of their business?
Answer all of these questions in your pitch without waiting for them to ask. Because we already know that they want to ask them. Give them an immediate chance to see the potential Return on Investment (ROIs) that await them – should they choose to work with you.
11. Help
You want to bring value to the table to engage your prospects in your sales pitch. Start the conversation by asking, “How can we help you?” Pay close attention to what they have to say to understand how you can bring value to the conversation.
Also, by offering a helping hand, you’re showing prospective customers that this interaction is about them, not you. You’re demonstrating that you actually care and empathize with what they’re going through and are here to help them.
12. New
We all like new things. We want to stay up to speed with the latest and greatest. And it’s probably one of the best words for sales you can use because we all want new things, too.
Show prospects the new possibilities you are able to bring them with your product or service. Show the innovation you have to offer them to help them get further along on their path to success. This is key to getting them to purchase.
13. Exclusive
And just like humans like new things, we also like exclusive ones. By adding the word, “exclusive,” into your sales messaging, it’s hard to say no. Because there’s this genuine feeling we all have of missing out.
So using something like, “This is an exclusive deal that we’re only offering to select new customers,” is enticing. It makes people want to take action. And it helps you sell.
14. Thank You
People like feeling appreciated. Your prospects are busy people taking time out of their packed schedules to talk to you. Don’t forget to say, “Thank you.”
This allows your potential customers to see that you value their time. It makes them feel good and gives you the opportunity to end your conversation on a high note before they make their final decision.
See the power of thank you messages sent via video in this post.
How You Can Use Power Words for Sales
Power words in sales have so many uses. In fact, they are beneficial in interactions at every stage of the sales process.
However, there are three use cases in which power words that sell are essential for success. They include:
1. Cold Calling
When you’re cold calling prospects, they aren’t expecting your call. It’s likely they won’t answer, but if they do, you have a very short window of time to convince them that your product is worthwhile. So positive sales words, like the ones listed above, are critical to getting their attention.
By adding that persuasive language right off the bat, you have better chances of getting people to hear you out. You’re enticing them to want to know more. That’s how you’ll get them to set an appointment.
2. Outbound Emails
With your potential customers receiving hundreds of emails a day, yours need to stand out. That means you need to make every word count – from your subject line to the email itself.
Include any relevant power words you can to leave a lasting impression. Get them curious about your brand and your product. Give them a fear of missing out on the opportunities you have to offer them and their business.
3. Video Prospecting
Yes, video prospecting helps you stand out from competing reps (if you don’t know what this is, learn more this article). However, if your messaging doesn’t resonate with prospects, they won’t watch your video in its entirety or take the next step you are hoping for. Powerful language helps you shine even more on camera and overcome this.
While recording your video, use power words that keep your viewers wanting more – so they watch it from beginning to end. This will help establish the trust and rapport needed for them to move forward in the buying journey.
Want to see what this looks like in action? Check out our Comprehensive Guide to Prospecting Videos!
You Have the Words – Now Put Them in Action
Now that you’re equipped with power words for sales interactions with potential clients, it’s time to use them in your sales prospecting.
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