sales & marketing
The Power of Follow UP
By: Dimic Robertson
Excerpt from: My Sales Manifesto
While all of the methods and discussion up to this have been designed and intended to assist you on creating the best possible chance for sales success, the vast majority of your ultimate success is going to come from your follow up. For most sales the average prospect is not going to buy at the first contact and anyone that has been in sales long enough will tell you that the follow up is where the money is made. Did you know that one of the “givens” with direct mail is that you have to send someone seven pieces before they even notice you? Or, think about those cash home buyer signs you may see stuck on the side of the road- most people drive by them daily without notice until they have a sudden need to sell.
A lot of times, your product or service will be a perfect fit for your prospect but, for whatever reason the timing is off so they don’t buy. Meaning, that when the timing is right that they are very likely to buy. That’s where the follow up comes in. You need your name to be the one that pops in their head when they’re ready to move. If you haven’t spoken to that prospect recently (or aren’t contacting them soon on a follow up) then they’re going to take that business to the first person they can find. As a Realtor, I can’t tell you how many frustrations I’ve heard from my wife when a friend/family member/previous prospect goes out and buys a house with some other random Realtor because they forgot my wife was a Realtor. This just proves that, for better or worse, humans have short attention spans and will typically take the path of least resistance (POLR).
Follow up can come in different forms so, much like marketing, the approach you take will be dictated by the tools you have access to. The most common follow up protocols are: periodic phone calls, email drip marketing and direct mail. Look at your current situation and figure out which option (or combination) works best for you but, whatever you do, put a follow up protocol in place ASAP if you don’t have one already. These prospects are going to buy from someone eventually.
This follows a lot of the theme and psychology of the discussion on following up but, this refers specifically to staying in touch with your current clients. The easiest sales you can get are those people that are referred by your clients. But, much like your prospects, clients have a tendency to forget all about you and your service if you’re not consistently reminding them. You want (need?) them to be thinking about you when that random friend or contact of their’s expresses a need that your product or service can resolve. If you haven’t spoken with that client recently, then you’re far from their mind and when that conversation comes up they probably won’t think to refer you.
Technology has made significant advances in the form of automations. Automations are invaluable in helping you streamline your business and processes while improving your credibility. Automations can take many forms including: drip email campaigns. social media marketing, online posts, follow up tasks and contingencies, client communications and email form submissions among many others.
Also, technology is a great way to stay in contact with your current clients without requiring any of your time and, if you remember, these are where your easiest sales will come from.
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